Alhamdulillah wife aku selamat dibedah @ Tawakal Hospital pada 26hb Mac 2009 lalu, pembedahan ambil mase 3jam( masuk kul 9pg kuar dalam kul 12 thghari) untuk buang Ovarian cysts yg berada di kedua2 belah ovari, terima kasih kepada doktor bertugas (Dr. Jaafar~ orgnya soft spoken,rilex je) aku x lupe ayat die bila aku tanya ape sebab Ovarian cysts ni leh jadi??dgn tenang dia jawab KUASA TUHAN..huh tekedu aku jap alangkah padat dan bernasnya jawapan dia, ape pun syukur kehadrat Ilahi semuanya selamat..stay kt spital 3d2n, thanx a lot Dr n jururwat yang betugas:)
Sekadar info untuk korang ape sebenarnya Ovarian cysts ni :-
Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid or a semisolid material that develops on or within the ovary.
Biasanya, ovarian cysts are functional (bukan berkait dengan sesuatu penyakit) dan akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Beberapa hari sebelum ovulasi, follicle di ovari yang mengandungi telur untuk persenyawaan akan tumbuh. Kadangkala follicle yang sepatutnya pecah ini tidak berbuat sedemikian.
Air yang terkandung di dalam follicle ini, tidak diresap kembali dan jadilah ia sebuah cyst (seperti bisul). Functional cysts ini selalunya akan hilang dalam masa 60 hari tanpa rawatan dan memang kerap terjadi dikalangan wanita2 yang baru menempuh puberty hinggalah hendak mencapai menopause.
Oral contraceptive pills (pill cegah hamil) may be prescribed to help establish normal cycles and decrease the development of functional ovarian cysts.
Functional ovarian cysts are not to be confused with other disease conditions involving ovarian cysts, specifically benign cysts of different types that must be treated to resolve, true ovarian tumors (including ovarian cancer), or hormonal conditions such as polycystic ovarian disease.
Ovarian cysts that do not appear to be functional may require surgical removal by laparoscopy or exploratory laparotomy. Surgical removal is often necessary if a cyst is revealed that is larger than 6 centimeters or persists longer than 60 days.
Other medical treatment may be recommended if other disorders are found to be the cause of ovarian cysts, such as polycystic ovary disease.
Functional ovarian cysts are not to be confused with other disease conditions involving ovarian cysts, specifically benign cysts of different types that must be treated to resolve, true ovarian tumors (including ovarian cancer), or hormonal conditions such as polycystic ovarian disease.
Ovarian cysts that do not appear to be functional may require surgical removal by laparoscopy or exploratory laparotomy. Surgical removal is often necessary if a cyst is revealed that is larger than 6 centimeters or persists longer than 60 days.
Other medical treatment may be recommended if other disorders are found to be the cause of ovarian cysts, such as polycystic ovary disease.